Ecological plasticity and stability of soybean varieties under climate change in Ukraine
adaptability, correlation, determination, homeostaticity, plasticity, stability, variance of stability, yieldAbstract
Due to the climate change, constant increase in air and soil temperatures, moisture deficiency, agricultural production requires highly adaptive varieties that would provide sufficient yields even under adverse environmental conditions. Our breeding work is aimed at creating varieties of this type. The paper presents the results of the long-term research on assessment of soybean varieties by their adaptability under different soil and climatic conditions by the yield, duration of the growing season and reproductive periods. The stability and plasticity of the researched varieties was determined using the Ebergard and Russell method. According to the research results, Artemida, Hoverla and Amethyst varieties were classified as highly plastic (bi>1) by the yield and they provided the yields of 1.95, 2.2 and 2.1 t/ha. In terms of duration of the growing season (BBCH-10-99), Amethyst, Hoverla, Artemida and Vezha provided high adaptability. These varieties were characterized by the conservative reaction to the change in hydrothermal and soil conditions ensuring stable indicators by the duration of the growing season (BBCH-10-99), coefficient of pasticity (bi) was under 1. The longest flowering-maturation period (BBCH-60-99) was observed in the following varieties: Amethyst – 69.1, Hoverla – 69.0, and Artemida – 69.1 days. The flowering-maturation period (BBCH-60-99) was under one. By the duration of the flowering-maturation period (BBCH-60-99), Amethyst, Hoverla, and Artemida varieties had the highest values of homeostaticity (Hom1 and Hom2), in particular, they were 32.8, 3.64 in Artemida, 30.2, 3.76 in Amethyst, 27.15 and 3.02 in Hoverla varieties.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Oleksandr Mazur, Ihor Kupchuk, Liudmyla Biliavska, Yurii Biliavskyi, Oksana Voloshyna, Olekna Mazur, Serhii Razanov

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