Alimentary metabolic disorders in high-producing dairy cows: A review
dairy cows, alimentary metabolic disorders, ketosis, acidosis, milk feverAbstract
The aim of this review, which has been compiled on the basis of the available existing literature, is to summarise the basic information regarding alimentary metabolic disorders in high-producing dairy cows. The disorders included in this review are among the most commonly occurring in herds. Specifically, ketosis, acidosis and milk fever. It is known worldwide that high producing dairy cows are more susceptible to ruminal dysfunction - alimentary metabolic disorders. Causes of alimentary metabolic disorders can be of different nature, such as unbalanced feed ration, stress, inadequate management and environmental factors, genetic factors and various infections or diseases of the animals. The most frequent cause of metabolic disorders is considered to be the feeding of an inadequate ration with an excess or deficiency of the required nutrients. Dairy cows must be fed a ration containing all nutrients in the correct proportions to maintain optimum metabolic function. The physical structure of the forage itself has a major influence on the health status of dairy cows and the development of dysfunctions, where not maintaining the correct technique (structure) has a negative impact on the overall rumen complex of the dairy cow.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mária Kapusniaková, Miroslav Juráček, Ondrej Hanušovský, Andrej Duchoň, Michal Rolinec, Branislav Gálik, Matúš Džima, Daniel Rajčok, Milan Šimko

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