Possibilities of Production of third Generation Biofuels in Slovak Conditions


  • Tomáš Drahoš Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Institute of Law and Sustainable Development, Slovak Republic
  • Žaneta Pauková Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Institute of Law and Sustainable Development, Slovak Republic
  • Ján Gaduš Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Institute of Law and Sustainable Development, Slovak Republic


green microalgae, Chlorella sorokiniana, third generation biofuels, fermentation


Microalgae are recognized as one of the most promising raw materials for the production of third generation biofuels because of their fast growth and high energy yields. Chlorella sorokiniana is a green microalgae that thrives in wastewater and is also used for its purification. The goal were to verify the effective method of cultivation and subsequent biochemical conversion of green microalgae in open bioreactors, monitoring the amount and quality of biogas produced in an experimental fermenter using the wet fermentation method at the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development at the Slovak University of Agriculture in 2023. As a result of the experiment, we found that the specific production of biogas per unit of organic dry matter of 4.503 m3/kg from the grown biomass of green microalgae of the monitored species several times, specifically 4.7 times exceeded the specific production of biogas from first-class corn silage. When converting the specific production of biogas per unit of dry matter, 2.197 m3/kg represents 3.8 times more compared to the most important raw material for biogas production, corn silage. Third generation biofuels are not yet enough used in Slovakia, but there is considerable potential, as our experiment proved.


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Plant Science