Grape pomace in equine nutrition: effect on antioxidant status

Renata Kolláthová, Branislav Gálik, Marko Halo, Anton Kováčik, Ondrej Hanušovský, Michal Rolinec, Miroslav Juráček, Milan Šimko


Received: 2021-10-04 | Accepted: 2021-11-29 | Available online: 2021-12-31

Grape pomace is a bioactive compound rich winery by-product having antioxidant properties. However, its use in equine nutrition in this regard have been unexploited to date. Thus, this study aimed to investigate whether dried grape pomace (DGP) could enhance the antioxidant mechanisms of horses. Redox status was assessed through glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in blood serum, and ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP). Twelve horses were assigned to three groups recieving a basal diet (control group) or the basal diet supplemented with 200 g of DGP (experimental group 1), or 400 g of DGP (experimental group 2) for 30 days. Dietary DGP supplementation of horses at a level of 200 g positively affected their redox status through increased FRAP (P<0.05). However, no changes in the activity of enzymes GPx and SOD were detected neither at the level of 200 g nor 400 g of DGP. Based on the presented results, further research is required to test other levels of DGP in horse diets and its potential to affect the redox status of these animals.

Keywords: grape pomace, horses, SOD, GPx, FRAP


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