Calculating the Energy Value Meadow Hay - NEL, Based Solely on the NDF and Compared with Commonly Used Calculations NEL

Alois Kodeš, Zdenek Mudřík, Boris Hučko, Vladimír Plachý


DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.04.95–98

Received 9. July 2015 ǀ Accepted 28. August 2015 ǀ Available online 7. December 2015

In our study was compare the accuracy of prediction of the energy value NEL of meadow hay. Predictive equations calculated
from the results of our monitoring is NEL = 12.9085 - 0.1276x, where x = the NDF. Values of prediction equation which we
calculated is comparable with the values indicated by the other authors. The great advantage of our prediction equation is
the unpretentiousness of its calculation. Own calculation of NEL requires more analytically determined values. The number
of analysis needed to calculate predictive equations and the time needed for all analysis is in our determination in the
prediction of NEL, big advantage. It is further enhanced by lower finance costs.
Keywords: meadow hay, prediction of the energy, NEL, NDF

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