Application of various methodological approaches for assessment of soil micromorphology due to VESTA program applicable to prediction of the soil structures formation

Marek Kolenčík, Vladimir Simansky


Received: 2015-07-22   |   Accepted: 2016-03-11   |   Available online: 2016-05-30

This work introduces concepts of methodological approach (theoretical investigation) in terms of soil structure analysis. The aim of this work is using VESTA program application as appropriate alternative to quantification of micromorphological analysis. This evaluation mainly with regarded to effects for soils structure at the interactions/ predictions with many aspects of aggregate destruction-stability-reactivity in soil system. This work elucidates different kind of methodological approaches such as implementation 2D micromorphological model, X-ray analysis and their extrapolation in VESTA program. There is some evidence that construct data and parameters gained from this program are suitable for other considerations. For these points is possible to assign of reaction kinetic, established minerals phase and genetic relationships in soil system, detect of potential transformation, mobilization and immobilization activity, distribution of elements species even by general and specific properties of aggregate forms. Detailed characterization (modeled design) of rocks and minerals inorganic particles of soil aggregate forms on the atomic level has significant importance due to detailed data examinations input. In the case of operation module could eliminate of influence various undetected (non-identify) factors and in additionally refine on standardize appropriate fitted the more realistic model.

Keywords: methodological approach, micromorphology, X-ray analysis, VESTA design


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