Effect of nitrogen-sulphur nutrition and inhibitors of nitrification on the yield and quality of maize grain

Otto Ložek, Pavol Slamka


Received: 2015-10-03   |   Accepted: 2016-03-03   |   Available online: 2016-05-30


Effect of split application of nitrogen and nitrogen+sulphur nutrition in comparison with one shot application of nitrogen + sulphur + inhibitors of nitrification (dikyandiamid, DCD and 1, 2, 4 triazol,TZ) on the yield and quality of maize grain was examined in three-year small-plot experiment with maize (hybrid ,Chapalu FAO 350) on medium heavy degraded brownsoil. On the average of three experimental years one-shot application of nitrogen-sulphur nutrition in the form of ENSIN fertilizer containing nitrification inhibitors applied before maize seeding at the rate of 160 kg.ha-1N and 80 kg.ha-1S showed the most considerable effect on all investigated parameters. Yield of grain was increased highly significantly by 1.56 t.ha-1 (+21.8%) against control treatment. Both parameters TKW (thousand kernel weight) and content of crude protein were elevated by 7.9% and 8.3%, respectively. Production of protein per hectare was increased by 253 kg, that is by 31.9% and natural effectiveness of fertilization achieved the highest value, namely 9.8 kg of grain per 1 kg of applied nitrogen. When fertilizer ENSIN (contains inhibitors of nitrification) was applied in maize nutrition the achieved results were insignificantly better in all examined parameters in comparison with the split application of DASA 26/13 fertilizer under the same rate of both nitrogen and sulphur. There was found out positive tendency of favourable effect on yield and quality of grain of maize and decrease of application costs as a consequence of one shot application in this treatment. Addition of sulphur to nitrogen as well as an addition of inhibitors + sulphur to nitrogen significantly increased only grain yield of maize. Content of crude protein and TKW were increased insignificantly. Natural effectiveness of nitrogen fertilization was increasing in accordance with raising yields of maize grain as follows: nitrogen < nitrogen + sulphur < nitrogen + sulphur + inhibitors.

Keywords: growth stage, inhibitors, nitrification, nitrogen, split


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