Evaluating signatures of selection through variation in linkage disequilibrium among different cattle breeds

Veronika Kukučková, Nina Moravčíková, Radovan Kasarda


The aim of presented investigation was to assess the overlap between selection signature discovered through analysis of variation in linkage disequilibrium and reported genomic regions associated with economic and traits of biological importance in cattle populations. The differences across Slovak Pinzgau, Austrian Pinzgau, Simmental and Holstein cattle and thus genome signatures of production and adaptation were found. The highest peak (top 0.01 percentile) was observed between Slovak and Austrian on chromosome 23, between Slovak Pinzgau and Simmental on chromosome 4 and between Slovak Pinzgau and Holstein on chromosomes 1, 7 and 20. Many candidate genes found have a known role in milk production (casein genes CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2, CSN3; ABCG2, HBEGF, CAPN3, DGAT1, TG, GHR), reproduction (MGAT1, FGF1), feed efficiency (R3HDM1, ZRANB3), fertility (SPOCK1) and immune response (HSPA9, CD14, ARAP3, PCDH). Results of this study could be the basis for implementation of genomic selection programs in the Slovak Pinzgau cattle.

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© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources