Can soil properties of Fluvisols be influenced by river flow gradient?

Vladimír Šimanský


Received: 2018-04-19 | Accepted: 2018-05-15 | Available online: 2018-06-30

The occurrence of Fluvisols is associated with the rivers, which means that their properties can be greatly influenced by the fluvial activity of the rivers. Therefore, the aim of this work were to (1.) find out whether the flow gradient along the river influenced the soil properties of Fluvisols (2.) evaluate the soil properties of Fluvisols. Soil samples were taken from Nitra River Catchment between villages Výčapy-Opatovce and Jelšovce near Nitra city. There were excavated five soil pits and soils were classified according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources as follows: Profile 1 as Eutric Fluvisol (Loamic, Humic) (soil use: restored forest), Profile 2 as Eutric Fluvisol (Loamic, Humic) (soil use: arable soil), Profile 3 as Eutric Fluvisol (Loamic, Humic) (soil use: fallow soil), Profile 4 as Eutric Gleyic Fluvisol (Loamic, Humic) (soil use as: forest), Profile 5 as Eutric Fluvisol (Loamic, Humic) (soil use: raid forest). The investigated Fluvisols had different chemical and physical properties, but not as a consequence of the flow gradient along the river. Differences in chemistry and physical properties of Fluvisols developed along the Nitra River have been significantly affected mainly by its use, soil management practices and depth of the soil profile.

Keywords: physical and hydrophysical properties, soil structure, soil sorptive parameters, Fluvisols

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