A new systemic approach to characterize agroecological systems

Audrey Michaud


Submitted 2020-07-27 | Accepted 2020-08-20 | Available 2020-12-01


The agricultural models put in place to meet food demand in the 1950s are now showing their limits. Strong impacts on the environment or animal welfare issues require a change in the agricultural model. Agroecology is a response to these ecological and societal crises. The theoretical definition of this agricultural model is explained in literature. However, it remains important to clarify what is an agroecological farm in the field: how does the farming system work? Which indicators are used? What are the worldviews of the farmers? For that, systemic approach can be useful. The aim of this article is to advance a fuller understanding of the management of agroecological systems in the field through a new systemic approach. A new definition of the systemic approach is proposed with three pillars (functioning system, decision-making system and thinking system) to allow a more detailed analysis of production systems by using a specific method, crossing biotechnical sciences, humanities and social sciences. Consideration of all three pillars can explain what an agroecological system is in practice, with identification of specific indicators and worldview.

Keywords: systemic approach, agroecology, thinking system, functioning system, decision-making system


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