Differences between anthropometric variables among young women depending on milk fat content

Martina Gažarová, Marta Lorková, Marta Habánová, Mária Holovičová, Jana Kopčeková, Jana Mrázová, Petra Lenártová


Article Details: Received: 2021-02-25 | Accepted: 2021-04-16 | Available online: 2021-09-30


The aim of the work was to assess the effect of consumption of different types of cow‘s milk according to fat content on selected parameters of body composition. The study group consisted of 165 women aged 23 years. Based on the preference for the type of milk, the group was divided into the following three groups – skimmed (0.5%), semi-skimmed (1.5%) and full-fat (3.5%). We used the questionnaire method to obtain data and the bioelectric impedance method (InBody 720) to evaluate body composition. With the exception of visceral fat area and waist-to-hip ratio, we did not notice significant differences between the groups. In terms of body weight, we found the lowest value in the full-fat group (P >0.05), while this group also had the lowest value of fat mass (P >0.05), visceral fat area (P <0.05), waist-to-hip ratio (P <0.05), body mass index (P >0.05) and the highest value of fat-free mass (P >0.05), skeletal muscle mass (P >0.05) and basal metabolic rate (P >0.05). The results suggest that the consumption of full-fat milk is preferred mainly by physically active consumers, which is also reflected in the values of body composition parameters related to fitness, the level of basal metabolism and muscle mass. The consumption of full-fat milk was positively associated with muscle mass, but not fat mass.

Keywords: dairy, fats, visceral, adiposity, anthropometric


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