Content changes of assimilative pigments in leaves after fertilizer Mg-Titanit application

Peter Kováčik, Agnieszka Baran, Angelika Filová, Martin Vician, Jozef Hudec


DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.02.58–64

Received 9. May 2014 ǀ Accepted 10. June 2014 ǀ Available online 23. June 2014

The impact of the liquid fertilizer Mg-Titanit (MGT) containing titanium on the dynamics of the content changes of the total chlorophyll in the leaves of winter wheat and winter rape was studied in the field small-area trial carried out at the Haplic Chernozem. The trial involved 5 variants. 0 – control, MGT unfertilized variant; 2xTi 0,2 – spraying twice by MGT in the dose 0.2 l.ha-1; 3xTi 0,2 – spraying thrice by MGT in the dose 0.2 l.ha-1; 2xTi 0,4 – spraying twice by MGT in the dose 0.4 l.ha-1, 3xTi 0,4 –spraying thrice by MGT in the dose 0.4 l.ha-1. The fertilizer was used at two or three growth stages: wheat was fertilized at the stages BBCH 29, BBCH 32, BBCH 55 – 60; rape at the stages BBCH 50 – 52, BBCH 59, BBCH 66 – 67. The results proved that in the cultivation of winter wheat the content of the total chlorophyll was increased annually with two applied doses of Mg-Titanit if the spraying was carried out at the growth stage BBCH 32 (the second spraying). The winter rape reacted positively to Mg-Titanit spraying applied at the growth stage BBCH 50 – 52 (first spraying) by the chlorophyll formation in both years of the trial. The third spraying tended to decrease the content of total chlorophyll with both crops and both applied doses of Mg-Titanit in the most cases. In the overwhelming majority of cases the content of the total chlorophyll was higher in the plants treated with the dose of 0.2 l.ha-1 than those treated by the dose 0.4 l.ha-1. The positive impact of Mg-Titanit on the content of the total chlorophyll was carried out by the increase of the amount of both assimilative pigments (chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b).

Keywords: chlorophyll, fertilizer, titanium, winter wheat, winter rape

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