Technological quality of minor wheat species from organic farming and possibilities of their use

Monika Zrcková, Ivana Capouchová, Petr Konvalina, Dagmar Janovská


Collection of spring form of spelt wheat, emmer wheat and einkorn wheat genetic resources from the Gene Bank of CRI Prague-Ruzyně, cultivated in exact field small-plot trials under organic farming conditions of three experimental localities (Prague-Ruzyně, Prague-Uhříněves and České Budějovice) was evaluated with the view of basic technological parameters. Two spring cultivars of common wheat - SW Kadrilj and Jara as a check varieties were used. Minor wheat species were in comparison with the check cultivars of common wheat characterized by higher crude protein content and wet gluten content in grain dry matter. Gluten Index and Zeleny test values were low in einkorn and emmer, but in spelt were higher - this indicates wider possibilities of the spelt use for different types of bakery products.

Keywords:  spelt wheat, einkorn wheat, emmer wheat, organic farming, technological quality

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