Egg production, quality parameters and sensory attributes of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) fed low crude protein diet supplemented with lysine

Taiwo Kayode Ojediran, Sandra Azubuzor, Isiaq Kolawole, Motunrayo Afolabi, Damilola Adeola


Received: 2018-02-26 | Accepted: 2018-03-26 | Available online: 2018-03-31

Egg production, quality parameters and sensory attributes were assessed using two hundred and eight (208) uniform female Japanese quails aged six weeks fed low-protein diet supplemented with lysine.  The birds were raised on a conventional diet before being allocated into 4 dietary groups of 4 replicates of 13 birds each in a completely randomized design in a six week feeding trial. Diet T1 had a crude protein (CP) content of 21% and lysine inclusion of 0.10% while diets T2, T3 and T4 contained 19%, 17% and 15% CP with lysine inclusion of 0.15%, 0.20% and 0.25% respectively. Birds fed T2 had significantly higher (p<0.05) egg weight. External egg parameters including egg length, egg width, eggshell thickness, eggshell percentage, egg shape index and eggshell surface area were significantly influenced (p<0.05). Internal egg quality characteristics including  average yolk weight, yolk height, yolk length, yolk colour, albumen length, albumen weight and yolk index were significantly different (p<0.05). The panelist response on egg sensory properties showed that ease of eggshell peeling, taste and overall acceptability were also significantly influenced (p<0.05). Quails fed T1 and T2 compared favourably interms of egg weight, egg length, eggshell index, eggshell surface area, yolk weight, yolk height, yolk length, yolk colour, yolk index, albumen weight, egg taste and overall acceptability unlike those fed T3-T4. Quails fed T4 had the overall least egg weight, quality parameters and acceptance because they were not easily peeled and tastes unusual. Therefore, a 19% CP diet with 0.20% lysine is adequate for laying quails.

Keywords: amino acid, egg, external parameters, internal qualities, organoleptic properties


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