The long-term different tillage and its effect on physical properties of heavy soils

Danka Kotorová, Ladislav Kováč, Jana Jakubová, Pavol Balla


Article Details: Received: 2018-05-31    |    Accepted: 2018-07-09    |    Available online: 2018-09-31

Between 2006 and 2015 years the effect of different tillage of heavy clay loamy soils on their physical properties were studied. Field treatments were carried on Experimental workplace in Milhostov, in central part of the East Slovak Lowland. Conventional tillage, reduce tillage and no-tillage practises were examined.  Soil samples were taken from topsoil in natural conditions without irrigation in spring time by Kopecky's rollers. From basic physical soil properties, the bulk density, total porosity and maximum capillary water capacity were analysed by known methods. The linear trend analysis was used for testing of long-term application of different soil tillage in relation to soil properties. Bulk density was in range 1331 – 1623 kg m-3, the lowest average values (in average 1466 kg m-3) was found for reduce tillage. Total porosity answered to bulk density and its values was from 38.12 % to 49.26 %, higher values were at conventional and reduce tillage and lower at no-tillage practise. Maximum capillary water capacity values in range 31.65 – 42.03 % reached level of values typical for heavy soils of the East Slovak Lowland. The trend analysis of 10-years-time series indicate decreasing of bulk density at conventional and reduce tillage variants, but its increasing for no-tillage variant. The time course of the total porosity had the opposite course than bulk density. Mainly for no-tillage variant, trend of decreasing of total porosity influence the possibility of air and water regimes changes for clay-loamy soil, which may result in a reduction of the transport function of soil. During observed period the changes of maximum capillary water capacity wasn’t significant. Application of soil protective technologies for heavy soils as integrated system, in long-time horizon doesn't have to mean deterioration of basic soil physical parameters.

Key words: heavy soils, soil tillage, physical soil properties, long-term treatments, trend analyse


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