Changes in growth-production parameters of Lolium perenne L. turf after application of concentrated polysulfide fertilizer

Peter Kovár, Luboš Vozár, Peter Hric


Article Details: Received: 2020-03-03 | Accepted: 2020-04-24 | Available online: 2020-09-30

The changes in growth rate, daily production of above-ground phytomass and lawn density of turfgrass after application of fertilizer based on polysulfide (Sulka NKS+) were evaluated in Nitra (the Slovak Republic) climatic conditions. The polysulfide preparation was applied 2-times, 4-times and 6-times during the vegetation period in 2015–2017 and the effect was compared with a zero control. Stimulatory effect of Sulka NKS+ was shown in the average daily gain of grass height and average daily gain of aboveground phytomass weight with the most visible expression in the 2nd and 3rd year of cultivation. For the thickening lawn index was found out inhibitory effect of polysulfide fertilizer. The average values of the first two characteristics (average daily gains of grass height and weight of above-ground phytomass) have also increased with the increasing number of Sulka NKS+ applications.

Keywords: polysulfide, Lolium perenne, average daily gain of height, average daily gain of weight, lawn density, turfgrass


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