Evaluation the response of maize to osmotic stress using acoustic emission

Petr Dostál, Václav Trojan, Tomáš Vyhnánek, Petr Kalousek, Piyapong Sriwongras, Miloš Barták, Matěj Róth


Article Details: Received: 2020-05-05 | Accepted: 2020-06-22 | Available online: 2020-12-31



The present study deals with examining the response of maize to osmotic stress condition. In the experiment, two investigated plants which are maize were chosen to be tested in the controllable environment. One plant was controlled to be in well water condition, whereas another one was treated by PEG-6000 for being encountered the osmotic stress condition throughout the experimental period. The main measuring technique used to monitor the tested plants in the experiment consisted of acoustic emission techniques. The experimental results indicated that the distinct reactions between a control plant and an influenced plant according to osmotic stress condition could be differentiated by acoustic emission method.

Keywords: acoustic emission, maize, plant stress, sap flow, stomatal conductance


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