Use of High-density SNP analyses to develop a long-term strategy for conventional populations to prevent loss of diversity - review

Nina Moravčíková, Radovan Kasarda


Article Details: Received: 2020-09-10 | Accepted: 2020-10-30 | Available online: 2020-12-31

The aim was to review obtained results related to molecular-genetic analyses by high-density SNP chips and mtDNA in farm and wild populations within the project APVV-17-0060 Genomic Indicators of extranuclear DNA as a source of Diversity for Animal Breeding. Continuous human activity and subsequent socioeconomic and climatic changes of the environment significantly affect the genetic diversity of livestock on both intra- and inter-population levels. Concerning the conservation of local livestock populations and thus animal genetic resources (AnGR) for future generations is, therefore, necessary to monitor and look for new “more precise“ tools to measure the amount of genetic diversity. The expected result will be the identification of SNP markers and spot mutations with a significant effect on the process of development resp. variability of traits. In the case of the dog, identification of regions related to fitness, health, and trainability will be the primary objective. 

Keywords: Genetic diversity, economically important breeds, Animal genetic resources, Slovakia


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