Plasma chemical method of extending the apples shelf life

Dmytro Kudin, Leonid Zavada, Mikhailo Yegorov, Sergiy Pugach


Article Details: Received: 2020-12-21 | Accepted: 2021-02-10 | Available online: 2021-09-30


The efficiency of using ozone and plasma chemical technology to reduce the concentration of ethylene impurities to extend the shelf life of apples has been studied. The ozone concentration was measured by sensors located in the experimental box. The ethylene concentration was measured with an ICA56 meter (in the experimental box) and monitored by sampling from the circulation lines of both boxes. The ICA56 meter use electrochemical sensor with ethylene resolution 0.2 ppm. This sensor have cross sensitivities for CO (40%), ethanol (72%), CO2 (0%), H2 S (220%) and its reason use control method of measuring ethylene. Control samples were analyzed with a Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The chromatograph was pre-calibrated with calibration gas mixtures with ethylene content of 10 and 100 ppm. It has been shown that Gala, McIntosh and Jonathan apples are stored several times better when the air in which apples are stored is treated with a plasma-chemical system. After 40 days of storage in the control box, the weight of apples acceptable for consumption (absence of rot and mold) was for varieties Gala – 3.3 kg (31%), Jonathan – 2.1 kg (15.6%), McIntosh – 2 kg (20%). In the experimental boxing varieties Gala – 12.1 kg (66.4%), Jonathan – 10.2 kg (59.3%), McIntosh – 9.3 kg (52.5%). Thus, the combined plasma-ozone method of air treatment of stored apples has shown high efficiency and has prospects for use.

Keywords: plasma treatment, barrierless plasma chemical reactor, ethylene



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